food photos


Dino, Jerry, Dianne
Time for another birthday, this time it’s Dino at Ohana’s. A multitude of pupu (appetizers), shots of patron, icy cold beers, karaoke, air conditioning and no smoking made the place a good call.

Plenty of pupu here. Kim chee, teagu, pickled turnip, mung bean sprouts, chicken wings, french fries, poke, hash, mandoo and more.

My frozen schooner glass filled with Golden Ale from the Kona Brew Pub.

Dino & Dianne
Dino listens as Dianne hits the high notes with her hash on a stick microphone.

Verna & Priscilla
Verna and Priscilla listen to some Elvis reditions in the house.

Karaoke Mike
Karaoke Mike in action.

3 replies on “PupuPalooza”

I missed the party of the year! I am bummed I wasn't there to support my 5-Star team mate. I can't even imagine what that bar tab amounted to.

HEY Baron, you better get your karaoke lungs in shape, because that's what we do at library birthday parties!!

Well, I did blast through a rendition of Cheap Trick's Surrender with Mike, though I sang the last verse in the middle. That's probably why they have the words on the screen.

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