I guess I should state for the record that Hawaii247.com is NOT a blog.
Yes it uses a CMS, Content Management System, (i.e. WordPress, Drupal, PHPWebSite, etc) to publish but Hawaii247.com contains content by many authors. Typically a blog is used by an individual to post things, most popularly a personal journal, a photo album, increasingly often mixed media of text, graphics, photos, audio, video, etc. We have Dave Winer to thank for much of the weblog’s heritage along with podcasting and CMS such as Frontier (man, I tried really hard to learn Frontier long ago).
What you’re reading now, yeah THIS stuff, THIS is a blog. Nobody else is going to write in this space except for me, or if someone does hopefully they’ll identify themselves.
I just wanted to clear that up. Note that CMS can be used for many wonderful things, not just blogs and not just news websites. People have been using them as storefronts, novels, tutorials, community and corporate websites, it’s endless.
So when you see someone using the tools that are popular with bloggers just remember, not everything is a blog. Don’t confuse the tool with the end product. After all, I think of the countless times I’ve used a ‘rice paddle’ to dish ice cream into a bowl, yet I wouldn’t call Bunny Tracks ice cream ‘rice.’

For those who missed it, here’s a link to a newsletter story I wrote for SportsShooter.com
One reply on “What’s in a name?”
Thought you'd enjoy this <a>Huffington Post article about Jon Stewart's Declaration "What's black and white and completely over?"