I moved this month and along with it came going through box after box of stuff. Took a bunch of stuff to the Kea‘au Recycle and Reuse Center, some other stuff I just pitched and I came across this one big box still sealed in the wrapping paper of when I had it mailed from Oahu to the Big Island over a decade ago. I almost considered just pitching it too, I mean, if it’s that old and I haven’t even opened it what could be in there that’s important?
I decided to open up this time capsule of ‘stuff’ and have a look inside. What I found was packet after packet of photos, negative and slides that I had shot on Oahu. When I started getting a little serious about shooting photos I took a bunch at concerts. In those days you could shoot photos and even record some concerts on tape if you wanted without hassles.
This is the first concert I shot photos of. Heart opened for The Beach Boys at Aloha Stadium. This was on their Dog & Butterfly tour of which their album went multi-platinum. Nancy is about 25 years-old in this photo.
I didn’t quite know what I was doing then photowise. I had finally learned what depth-of-field was and thought it was so important I shot everything stopped-down as much as I could but only after realized I had sacrificed a lot of shutter speed to do so on the Kodachrome 25 or 64 film I was shooting. So many shots have motion blur, this is one of the few that were fairly sharp.
I’ll bust out the slide copier again and post a photo of Ann too.
2 replies on “I’m a dog, she’s a butterfly”
You took that picture? It is INCREDIBLE!!! I would LOVE to see the others you took. I am a HUGE Nancy Wilson/Heart fan!!! :)
Do you think you'll be posting more? Or having some up to purchase prints of even? If you do, could you drop me an email?
Thanks for posting!!! :D
Ditto Nikayla. This is an awesome shot.