A friend gave me a memory card she found although it appeared blank because it was formatted erasing everything on it. Being the techie I am I ran a recovery application that recovered the images shot onto it.
Now the card needs to find its owner. I sent four images over to Found Cameras and Orphan Pictures and hopefully the owner or their family/friends will see the images and contact the site so we can mail the card off to the rightful owner.
I’m not going to reveal too much about the memory card except to say it was found in Hawaii but it looks like the images were taken somewhere else, maybe in New York?
Here’s one of the photos below. Recognize anyone?
Update: The camera that shot the photos looks like this below

One reply on “Found memory card looking for missing photographer”
You are very thoughtful, it warms my heart knowing how hard you are trying. Although these ones aren't mine, keep doing what you're doing :) "If they say it can't be done, it is only because they themselves have give up or never tried."