
Take a bottle, drink it down, pass it around…

Brian, our Sports Editor, with a brewski at Hard Rock Cafe – Kona, in a week before he’ll be back on the East Coast for a vacation. I forgot my digital camera in the car, so my cellphone camera provided this grainy image. Other photos were withheld from the Internet to protect the innocent.


New PowerBook…hot damn!

My iBook (she was a good computer that served me well) has gone to China with Maile. But this afternoon my 15″ PowerBook arrived and occupied me a few hours, how could I resist, so I could restore my files. I left it running and went to the office to finish working on photos. The […]


Updates TK

This slacking is getting bad, no computer for the past two days then bam…my new PowerBook arrives this afternoon so I wasn’t able to update this blog. Too many applications need to be re-installed on the laptop. Sleep will come first tonight, the blog photo updates will have to wait until tomorrow morning. Woke up […]