food photos Travel

Beef, it’s what’s for dinner

The menu at Versailles Cuban Restaurant with great food and drinks. Mmm, steak palomilla. I’m sure this is totally healthy. And custard dessert. Ah, I’m gonna need a really long walk after all this. I didn’t have a mojito, gotta watch those calories. If you’re in Miami, I’d recommend Versailles Cuban Restaurant.

food photos Travel

More food

Lunch at the Jamacian Restaurant on the far left of this photo. Lunch was chicken, mixed rice and steamed veggies. Maybe this is too many food shots, I did spend much more time in conferences and talking photojournalism and the industry. You can see here for some of that.

food photos Travel

Rarer sighting than the Yeti

Yep, that’s me wearing a tie. And my friends from the mainland here are wearing aloha shirts, it’s the bizzaro world. Stoli-Cran in hand. Deep fried plantains at the Mambo Restaurant. I also had Mojito before i dug into the food. Grilled chicken, black & beans and white rice along with fried plantains a the […]