food photos

Monkeying around

Free pizza, Jack & Coke and a few other drinks as we say aloha to Damien at the Sea Monkey Bar. The place is kind of like the Elks Club without being a member. Dude in the PanchoMan shirt was at the bar playing video trivia. My beer and patron tequila shot. The place used […]

food photos

I invented something! Better than sliced bread?

It’s not often you get to invent or discover something and name it yourself, yeah, you can discover a comet or maybe some infectious disease and choose a name or have it named after yourself. But in a stroke of brilliance on this St. Patrick’s night it hit me like a bolt. Okay, folks, we […]

food photos videos

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Starting off St. Patrick’s celebration at the Mixx Bistro. Glennon chimps on his new Canon PowerShot along with Melita (hey! That’s the same camera I’ve got). I’m not a vegetarian anymore, at one time I was a vegan too but that was pretty hard. But this vegetarian cashew vegetable noodle nest was tasty and filling. […]