
Nickel & diming their employees?

Starbucks has announced that on Oct. 3rd they are raising prices 5¢ on their coffee drinks. This should increase profits for Starbucks but at a cost to who? Many people, me included, pay for our coffee drinks at Starbucks and dump the change (if it’s a reasonable amount) into the barista’s tip jar (or plastic […]

food videos

The Ghetto Big Mac

The ghetto Big Mac for one dolla plus fries!!!!

food photos

Kim’s Birthday Bash

It was Kim’s birthday this week so a pot-luck party was called for. Not sure why Kim has a bottle of Jinro and Kona Brew at the same time. Some of the entertainment was pay per view Ultimate Fighting. The main match lasted less than two minutes. Gorgonzola Cheese and Paté. A few late comers […]