hardware journalism software videos

We’ll do it live!

I’ve broadcast most of these community lava meetings live from Pahoa via Ustream and our website at It’s a juggling act of equipment and resources to do this live broadcast. The main problem is getting an Internet connection to send out a live video stream. The school’s network is no-good as it’s firewalled preventing […]

hardware reviews sci-tech

Bringing the best out of the iPhone with the Beastgrip

Got a new iPhone tripod mount and I have to say it’s the best out of the four I’ve used. It’s called the BeastGrip and can accomodate just about any smartphone, not just iPhones, so you won’t have to worry about obsolesence with the design.


iFix iBook, iGive-up?

Thought I had fixed this iBook to take on my vacation as my MacBook Pro is broken. Looks like the iBook graphics chip is still messed up. Here’s the iBook in the process of being repaired. That square thing is the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) and the source of the problems. It overheats, comes loose, […]