Who was the first artist and song you imported into your iTunes/iPod/Music player? I happened to hit the sort button and found They Might Be Giants Why does the sun shine? How about you?
Who was the first artist and song you imported into your iTunes/iPod/Music player? I happened to hit the sort button and found They Might Be Giants Why does the sun shine? How about you?
A toast to Travis’ last day at work for the paper at the Mixx Bistro. Our toast was with a shot of some kind of Patrón XO Café coffee flavored tequila and some kind of rapsberry creme liqueur floated on top. Tastes like melted Häagen-Dazs coffee ice cream. See a close-up below. Yummy but still […]
The morning after the show who do we find getting some coffee but Rick Nielsen along with his lovely wife, not pictured. That’s Glennon and myself hanging with Rick. Very cool cat, wacky, witty, quick and self-professed Macintosh geek. He loves his two 17″ Powerbooks and other Mac gear, of course of ton of that […]