(non-photo geeks may want to skip over this post) Adobe has released their Camera Raw 4.6 plug-in for Macs and Windows versions of Photoshop CS3. This plug-in allows CS3 (aka Photoshop v10) to open the latest RAW files from new digital cameras. The problem is that Adobe says 4.6 is the last update to Camera […]
Category: reviews
 Amazon.com WidgetsI’ve been listening to this album by The Black Keys almost constantly the past few weeks, not sure why I never listened to them before. I found them via Pandora on my iPhone while listening to the White Stripes. I’ve used Pandora plenty of times before on my laptop but having it on […]
The Tinglerz at Double Down Saloon. Had to park across the street, make our way past a couple of cop cars with lights spinning on the street in front of the bar, something about a car driving the wrong way on the one way street in front. Got to the entrance where some kids were […]