
iFix iBook, iGive-up?

Thought I had fixed this iBook to take on my vacation as my MacBook Pro is broken. Looks like the iBook graphics chip is still messed up. Here’s the iBook in the process of being repaired. That square thing is the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) and the source of the problems. It overheats, comes loose, […]

hardware photos sci-tech

NVIDIA – Saving the environment by saving energy…via failing video output

  Yeah, that’s what my MacBook Pro 15″ LCD screen looks like with the laptop running. It looks pretty much the same stunning quality on an external monitor. Seems my laptop is another victim of the NVIDIA chipset bug. All of a sudden my laptop would not output video to either the built-in LCD or […]


Wot Dat?

I made it and it shall be known as Frogasurus. Make your own via the creature creator from You’ll need a pretty hefty graphics card and cpu to have fun with the trial app.