food photos Travel

Show me da dough

  Okay, so I didn’t get to Fisherman’s Wharf but they did have a Boudin Cafe at SFO where I could buy a loaf of bread for the trip and a bowl of chowder. Chowder in Boudin sourdough bread bowl. No Anchor Steamer, this was breakfast.   Posted via WordPress for iPhone. WP rocks. Fog, […]

photos Travel

Airport Crash

Looks like Honolulu International Airport had their Departures flight screen experience a Windows computer crash. It’s a good thing the rest of the airport doesn’t run Windows…or does it?

photos Travel

Grey Day

Yesterday was blue and beautiful, today was grey, rainy and humid. Looking over the Reflecting Pool to the Washington Monument the weather probably cut down on the amount of tourists walking around, more likely they’ll be taking air-conditioned bus rides. Near the west end of the Reflecting Pool is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Flags, photos […]