photos Travel


If you look good maybe you can see Dubya eating a bag of pretzels. Because as Americans we have to continue our normal lives, or else the pretzels win. These guys are near the entrance to the White House, looks like they have some kind of Halo 3 hardware. *update* Okay, it looks like they […]

photos Travel

A New York State of Mind

As I promised PF I headed to B&H Photo-Video in Manhattan. This is mecca for photographers, kinda like how the Apple Store is for Mac geeks. Where to go? They have pretty much everything here, they even have a big selection of darkroom supplies for old-school film users. And of course and entire selection of […]

food photos Travel

Apples and Cheesecake

A glimpse of Central Park as I made my way to the mecca for all Apple users. The flagship Apple Store on Fifth Avenue. It’s a beautiful store, big though I must admit too many iPhones on display for my taste. And I didn’t cave, I didn’t walk out of there with an iPhone or […]