
Kohala Mountain Hop

A day in the Kohala Mountains a bright, breezy, cool and beautiful afternoon. I was told the day before it was pouring rain, today people were happy to be sweating in the sunshine. Randy Quander of Big Island Television goofs around as he gets ready for a commercial shoot on the ranch. Randy shoots, edits […]


*Bonus video*

Click on the image above for some video Brian shot on the White Road hike a few days ago. I had to compress it so it’s a bit jerky.


A blast from the past

Today I got a piece of Kona history. Arlene, one of my editors, is retiring and moving back to Alaska and in the process of cleaning out her house she gave me a folder full of Kona Torch newspapers (more like newsletters). The Kona Torch may be the first newspaper in Kona. If you click […]