
Bubbles for the blog

I woke up super-early for this morning’s Easter sunrise service at Old Kona Airport park. Not as many folks as last year, maybe the threatening skies scared folks away due to possible rain. But it didn’t rain and it was a nice service. One of the pastors passed out what he called ‘God’s Bubbles’ to […]


Fun in the Kona Sun

Went to the Family Fun Day at the Old Kona Airport park and there were a group of kids taking turns flying a kite. Though there was enough wind to fly the kite on it’s own the kids seemed to have more fun if they gave it an assist by running around the field. Here’s […]


Hiking Hawaii (Andrea Adventure Day)

Andrea bugs me to go on an adventure every Friday and I passed on a few Fridays but I thought it would be cool for her and Brian to go hiking. Today it was a day for hiking in Waimea. Here Andrea and Brian start out on the White Road hike. It was a windy, […]