
Gotta luv the lava

The Lavaman Keiki Beach Dash at Anaeho‘omalu Bay in Waikoloa. The day featured this run then later had the kids swimming and running in the Lavaman Youth Duathlon. I’m not sure what the difference between a duathlon and biathlon is and when I asked several folks they thought I was refering to the biathlon in […]


Hanging at Huggos

A couple of Travis’ friends from the mainland are touring the Big Island as they stay at hotel Travis. Catherine and Brian are from the DC area. Travis, being ever resourceful, saw the bartender putting together a drink for someone and decided to order a few of them. The mojito is a popular Cuban drink. […]


Look at the birdie

A lazy day off today, got this cellphone camera image of a Bird of Paradise plant growing in the yard on the way to grab the morning paper. Sorry it’s not something more exciting but motivational level is low today.