
Night of the Dawn of the Dead

Brian just after finishing work to head out to the Kona Brew Pub before the movies tonight. Got lazy today and just used my cellphone camera. My glass of Lilikoi Wheat Ale at Kona Brew Pub where we had just 15 minutes to drink it down and head back to the office to pick-up Andrea […]


Almost live images

Added a new feature to the blog, if your browser displays this page correctly you’ll notice a little photo at the top of the right sidebar of links. That’s straight from my cellphone camera which automatically ends up on this blog. So images may get updated pretty quickly, even if I do the manual update […]


Airport sunset

Yet another sunset photo, this time with the control tower at Kona International Airport. Couldn’t really get a good angle on this. What I really should have photographed today was the lunch spot Michael and I had lunch at today. There’s an area in Kawaihae where you can walk out on a bluff, the cliff […]