
Tardy updates

Sometimes the POTD will hit this blog a day or two late due to my work sked, how tired I am or if I forget the images at work, duh. But usually it will hit the blog with enough time to not be pushed into the archives. Plus Blogger is having a problem with uploading […]


I found it!

Okay, so yesterday during lunch I was cruising in the Waimea Salvation Army thrift store, a great place to find good stuff cheap, and I came across a bunch of these coffee cups. They’re the perfect size to fit into my cappuccino machine! The downspout of the machine is so low that a normal coffee […]


sans POTD

Didn’t get a POTD today, yes, I did shoot photos for work but nothing interesting enough to post. Spent much of the night waiting on Mike to finish working on his photos on the only computer in the office where I can work on my photos due to the CF reader being on that machine, […]