
Peaman Plunge ‘n Plod Biathlon

Here’s the Peaman himself (Sean Pagett) getting his finisher’s stick near the Kailua Pier. Peaman events are fun, free and cater to everyone as you can even use a mask and fins for the swim. Here’s Lori Bowden (left) a world-class Ironman triathlete, Rani ‘the Road Runner’ Tanimoto (back to camera with peaman hat) and […]


Snowy Saturday

The view this morning from Kawaihae Harbor of Pu‘ukohola Heiau, a huge stone temple built by Kamehameha I to favor the war god Kuka‘ilimoku. The snowy summit of Mauna Kea is in the background and you may be able to make out the high powered observatories on the mountain top. The west side of the […]


Water fun

Before the start of canoe races at Kawaihae Harbor. There were some kids running around with water guns, loaded with salt water, I narrowly missed getting hit a few times. A cellphone camera image. Maybe more images later today to make up for the two days I missed. Overcast and cool weather in South Kohala […]