
Hapuna Beach Park flood damage

Heavy rainfall late Monday afternoon sent floodwaters down open land, across the Queen Kaahumanu Hwy. and channeled it into Hapuna Beach Park. On the south side the picnic area was devastated. An area that was a flat picnic area with asphalt and concrete walkways has been turned into a mini Grand Canyon with sheer walls […]


POTD to come

I really did shoot personal stuff yesterday (Sunday) but it will have to get posted later, actually it’s some video I shot of the site of a tornado that touched down in South Kona. Took the roof right off a house which it lifted and moved about 15 feet. The video will be added tomorrow. […]


Tornado Trouble

In the very early hours of Feb. 28, 2004 a tornado ripped through South Kona in the Milolii Mauka subdivision. A swath of destruction left trees and utility poles down, lifted one home off its foundation moving it 15 feet with the owner and her pets inside. Power was finally restored late Sunday. Here’s some […]