
Updates TK

This slacking is getting bad, no computer for the past two days then bam…my new PowerBook arrives this afternoon so I wasn’t able to update this blog. Too many applications need to be re-installed on the laptop. Sleep will come first tonight, the blog photo updates will have to wait until tomorrow morning. Woke up […]


Comment thingy & Behind the ‘Shop of Horrors’

Okay, I finally got a link for comments on this page, it appears to work. Blast away. POTD to come later. –Baron Here I am, in the mirror, working in the dressing room at HPA (Hawaii Preparatory Academy) photographing some girls getting ready for a dress rehersal of ‘Little Shop of Horrors.’ Bad lighting, plus […]


Comment thingy & Behind the ‘Shop of Horrors’

Okay, I finally got a link for comments on this page, it appears to work. Blast away. POTD to come later. –Baron Here I am, in the mirror, working in the dressing room at HPA (Hawaii Preparatory Academy) photographing some girls getting ready for a dress rehersal of ‘Little Shop of Horrors.’ Bad lighting, plus […]