Yet another video of the puppies, getting bigger at six weeks (something like that). Anybody want the fluffy tan or silver/grey puppy? We’re keeping the other two along with the momma.
Yet another video of the puppies, getting bigger at six weeks (something like that). Anybody want the fluffy tan or silver/grey puppy? We’re keeping the other two along with the momma.
And some video of the pups. And the siren you hear in the background is the fire engine headed to this. And the chomping noise in the background is momma  Chloe eating some dog food. More PuppyCam
I’m sure AIG decided to spend our tax dollars domestically to save money and support our economy rather than at some foreign resort. *UPDATE* Today the Fed decided to loan AIG $37.8B more on top of the $85B of last month. Talk about lipstick on a pig, this hog is getting a full facial, pedicure, […]