photos videos

Five years ago can feel like yesterday

This is where I was five years ago. Click on the image above to view video. A photo I shot in Kona on Sept. 15, 2001.

blogs videos

Lead us not into temptation

Sure we’ve all done it but I sometimes wonder about how we test our dog’s resolve when it comes to doggie treat temptation. Dooce tries to push the envelope with 16 treats on Chuck.

music videos

Music to my bleeding ears

*WARNING 8.5MB FILE OF LOUD MUSIC, UNINTELLIGIBLE LYRICS. DO NOT CLICK THE ABOVE IMAGE UNTIL YOU HAVE TURNED THE VOLUME OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM DOWN. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.* Friday night assignment. I took a little break and shot some video of the Big Island Band Marry Mallon from the east side. The singer and […]