
Back on the Keto wagon

A photo posted by Baron Sekiya (@mediabaron) on Dec 25, 2015 at 1:55am PST Behold the Cauliflower Cheese Jalapeno Muffins which are low carb and gluten free. I’ve decided to go back on the ketogenic diet as I’ve gained too much weight. So on Sunday (Dec 20) I went on a fat fast for four […]

food music

To everything – churn, churn, churn

Chocolate Bulletproof Ice Cream churning away in the ice cream maker in slow-motion at 120 frames/second. Low carb, rich and ketogenic. And if you’re too young to get the title of this post you can play the video on this post below. Because a lot of good things came out of the sixties. :)

food keto

Low carb luxury

One of the things people fret about when going on a ketogenic low carb diet is not being able to eat goodies and sweets. I admit that if you’re going to rely on store-bought stuff the pickings for good tasting, good for you sweets that are low carb are lacking. So you really have to […]